Modern Square Dancing
on Chicago's North Shore
Offering Square Dancing in Chicago's North Suburbs:
Evanston, Kenilworth, and Wilmette
Links and Resources
Below are a number of square dance links that you might find useful:
ILSDC.Dance - The site the Illinois State Council of Square Dancers to promote the next state dance convention in 2024!
UCansquaredance – The site by MCASD to recruit new dancers to the activity of square dancing in the metro Chicago area.
73rd National Square Dance Convention – 73rd National Square Dance Convention®. June 26th through 29th, 2024 in Milwaukee, WI.
CederNet – Vic and Debbie Ceder’s Square Dance Resource Net. This site has many valuable pages including lists of singing and patter calls, which callers and record companies recorded them, and cue sheets to replace those that have been lost.
USDA – United Square Dancers of America, the “only national dancer’s association organized by dancers for dancers and operated by dancers”.
MCASD – The Metropolitan Chicago Association of Square Dancers (MCASD) website provides information about square dance clubs and club dances in the greater Chicago area.
SCISDA – The State Council of Illinois Square Dance Associations (SCISDA) and a list of all square dancing and round dancing clubs in Illinois.
Where’s The Dance? – A website to find dances and activities related to square dancing, clogging, contra dancing, line dancing, and round dancing.
Callerlab – The site of the international Association of Square Dance Callers which holds (among other things) the widely accepted lists of calls in the square dance programs.
American Square Dance – American Square Dance magazine, an international monthly publication which covers all aspects of square dancing.